
Paul’s Use of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The use of the Old Testament in the New has long been recognized as an important field of research,” writes the author. “Too often, however, the emphasis placed upon rabbinic and Hellenistic influences has tended to subordinate and obscure the unique place of the Old Testament in the minds and theology of the early Christian writers.” The purpose of this volume is to discover “the rationale...

The writings of the apostle Paul reveal a person immersed in the content and teachings of the OT. H. A. A. Kennedy, after a study of Paul’s religious terminology, found that practically every leading conception in this field of Paul’s thought had its roots definitely laid in OT soil.1 Whether he is giving a dogmatic proof,2 an analogy3 or an illustration,4 or merely using language with which to clothe his own thoughts,5 the OT appears frequently throughout
Pages 10–11